Advent Resources

Sunday, December 1st is the beginning of the new church year and a chance for us to set up rhythms of prayer and worship that form and shape us. These resources are a humble invitation to participate together as a church body in the unfolding narrative of redemption this Advent season. They are designed to be practiced with others (spouses, children, roommates), but it can serve as a personal prayer guide as well. Join us as we keep time with Christians around the world and train our hearts to groan with eager anticipation for the coming Christ. 


Click HERE to download a digital copy


Click HERE to download the Charlotte Mason "Advent For All" booklet


An Advent playlist for our church is available on itunes // spotify.

for Famlies

This "Advent for All" booklet by the Charlotte Mason Institute features readings from the Bible, music, poetry, picture books, art, nature study ideas, handicrafts, recipes, and more to help us savor the season. Our hope is that every member of the family (both young and old) will find something for them and that the various resources will help families carve out spaces for joy, reverence, wonder, and expectation this season as we focus attention on the birth at Bethlehem and beyond.